Independence Day Celebration SCFG

Independence Day Celebration SCFG

Independence Day is celebrated to cherish the freedom and liberty acquired after tremendous struggles and toils. It inculcates the passion of chauvinism among the young generation.
HITEC School and College for Girls organized the 75th Independence Day ceremony in Musharaf Hall. The students participated vigorously and expressed their love for Pakistan through speeches and singing national songs in choir. An ex-student of HITEC SCFG, Momna Azhar, who runs her own social welfare organization, was also invited to motivate the students to help others. A National Songs singing competition was also organized to boost the patriotic feelings of the students. The principal Ma’am Sheena Sohail adressed the students advising them to become responsible citizens of Pakistan and good human beings. She also distributed certificates among the winners of the competition. The program ended with the national anthem sung by everyone in the hall enthusiastically.